Sunday, March 28, 2010

Google App Engine - With Java and Groovy

Google App Engine (GAE) With Java and Groovy

GAE began with supporting Python, but is now able to support applications you write (or deploy) for various languages: Java, Groovy, and others too, that use the JVM-based language architecture (eg. JRuby, Grails). Here's a nice quick peek into some low-level technical aspects and examples of using GAE with Java and Groovy.
Google App Engine Java, Groovy and Gaelyk
Based on the present limitations (or are these by design?), a logical question this would very likely throw up would be what's the motivation behind limiting the support of Java/JEE APIs on GAE?

Understanding Google App Engine (Quickly)

Here's a crisp introduction and overview to Google App Engine: Hosting Data and Apps Using the Google Infrastructure.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Google App Engine - A PaaS for Web Applications

Cloud Computing is one hot topic these days. There's a rare chance that you'll find a blog, presentation or conversation, which doesn't somehow lead into the topic.

We introduced Cloud Computing in an earlier post, and mentioned about the three primary models - service models, to be technically correct:
  • Infrastructure (or Hardware) as a Service (Iaas or HaaS)
  • Platform as a Service (PaaS), and
  • Software as a Service (SaaS)
Each service model offers opportunities to providers to innovate and create those killer/disruptive services, like

Google's App Engine (GAE) is also positioned to offer a Platform-as-a-service, and is more specifically looking to provide a web application platform for users to deploy their applications on. Surely, no one understands and leverages the power of the web like Google does. And, GAE is only going to extend this.

Here's an overview of Google App Engine from DevFest 2010. (It's comprehensive, albeit, a bit lengthy).