The rise of facebook to it's present stature is awesome and incredible, by any yardstick, and its hardly surprising that Mark Zuckerberg, the founder of facebook, was named 'TIME Magazine's Person of the Year, 2010'.
facebook has come a long way since it's early days, and has revolutionized the social dynamics of the human race today, be it in the personal or corporate or community sphere. It is thus, a first hand example of the awesomeness of the era of Web 2.0. Since the number of facebook user's is now crossing 550 million, it's likely that you too are already using it, or have at least seen it at some point. So, it's no point discussion 'Facebook 101'.
However, if one wants to get a sense of what this phenomenon is all about, check out this comprehensive presentation.
And, if you found this helpful, as we did, then, in the spirit of the theme, you may indicate your 'Like'ness !!