Monday, December 5, 2016

Demystifying Blockchains

By now, you've probably heard about Bitcoins (BTC), the new cryptocurrency, and are as confused as most of the others who have - or worse, haven't! The bitcoin is rising in popularity, and is increasingly being seen as a currency of the future, and retailers have also begun considering them legal tender as alternatives to other thus-far common forms of payment in the online world.

Well, bitcoin is much more complicated than that (the link above may help), and there's more to it, than just the currency bit. Bitcoin is catching the eye of financial service companies (read: banks) the world over, for more than this, and for something called as 'Blockchain'. This is what makes bitcoin what it is - and it's something that these companies are now vying to adopt.

There's still a long way to go, but, it could help to get your grey cells thinking about this, as it's only a matter of time before it'll become more mainstream!

Here, we attempt to try and demystify blockchains.


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