Sunday, June 27, 2010

Google Voice

Google Voice - an 'integrated' voice service:

Google Chrome OS: Web 3.0?

Here's a simple, and quick overview of what Google Chrome OS - a new "web" OS from Google is.

As we saw in the post Future of the Web: 2010 and beyond, 'Web OS' seems to be the near-future, the Web 3.0 generation of things to come. Just as Google is an example of all things Web 2.0, we'll have to watch this space to see if they can also inspire the shape of Web 3.0-things to come.

The [Unofficial] Google Architecture

Okay, so Google seems to be everywhere, anywhere... And, users are lapping up the stuff they put out there for obvious reasons - there's something about the whole thing, that you just can't beat. If you are awed by the stuff they do, and are struggling to even begin to imagine how they do the things they do, don't worry - you may not be alone in this universe.

Here's an awesome view into the guts of what Google is seemingly made up of; in other words, architected. Really great work by the author of this, and thanks to the sharer.

All about Google!

Now, who wouldn't want to know about Google. Be it how they run their search, how they power it, what's the latest innovation and where are they heading.

Well, the 'allaboutgoogle' series that we have here will address just that -!

Starting off the series we found a couple of 'Google Presentation' (hmm, ok, a bit dated, nonetheless) that captures the evolution of Google since the beginning.

Google Presentation