Sunday, February 24, 2013

Making Big Data Work: The Hadoop Family

Click to visit the Apache Hadoop page
Big Data is not just a buzz word today - it's probably a precursor to the stark reality in the increasingly digitized world of Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram, Apple iOS/iPhone and Google Android (see post: [Infographic]: Amazon Web Services - Behind the Scene).

It's not just the technology and Cloud-service vendors who are interested in big data. It's a growing number of retail businesses, utility companies, and more (see post: [Infographic]: The Future of Big Data). The volume of data generated every moment continues to rise, and is expected to grow as more 'smart' devices enter our personal and work environments.

Indeed this is exciting in itself, and quite unprecedented in human history, questions abound in everyone's minds. While there are no easy answers, one thing that we're watching is the evolution of the technology that can make all this worth it - the handling, the processing, the scaling, the 'smart' analytics, driving the intelligent business of tomorrow.

So, with all the buzz around Big Data, we thought its best to devote a post to these set of technologies. And, one such technology - rather, suite of technologies - is Hadoop and it's related tech components. The Apache™ Hadoop® project develops open-source software for reliable, scalable, distributed computing, and has evolved through many years now, with companies like Yahoo!, Google and Facebook contributing significantly to it.

To understand big data better, it's important to get an understanding of some of these core technology components, and here you'll find 3 great slide decks on the topic. (Thanks to the folks for sharing these and making them available)

1. The Family of Hadoop

2. The Evolution of the Hadoop Ecosystem

3.  Spotting Hadoop in the wild

For more posts on big data, see:
Big Data Architectures
[Infographic] The Future of Big Data

Also, for some good resources on big data, please check out