Monday, December 5, 2016

Demystifying Blockchains

By now, you've probably heard about Bitcoins (BTC), the new cryptocurrency, and are as confused as most of the others who have - or worse, haven't! The bitcoin is rising in popularity, and is increasingly being seen as a currency of the future, and retailers have also begun considering them legal tender as alternatives to other thus-far common forms of payment in the online world.

Well, bitcoin is much more complicated than that (the link above may help), and there's more to it, than just the currency bit. Bitcoin is catching the eye of financial service companies (read: banks) the world over, for more than this, and for something called as 'Blockchain'. This is what makes bitcoin what it is - and it's something that these companies are now vying to adopt.

There's still a long way to go, but, it could help to get your grey cells thinking about this, as it's only a matter of time before it'll become more mainstream!

Here, we attempt to try and demystify blockchains.


Thursday, June 2, 2016

[Infographic] Javascript Frameworks - Choosing One, and their Future (2016)

Javascript has become the star of the current generation of digital technologies, and yet, it is never spoken of in the world of SMAC!! (Social - Mobile - Analytics - Cloud). To give it true credit, probably a new acronym needs to be coined - JSMAC! (We'll admit, we haven't checked if there already is one).

Javascript, has always been a versatile, and powerful language, that powered the early, dynamic web. But, it, along with it's close friends, CSS and HTML, have advanced tremendously over the past decade, and is what makes your digital experience on any device today so awesome.

However, if you're on the other - read, developer - side of this, then, it can be more than a tad challenging to choose from a multitude of Javascript Frameworks available out there.

So, while this infographic can help you to consider various aspects to begin with, also checkout some useful links below.


Also see these informative articles:
Overview of the Javascript Ecosystem
Beyond jQuery - Expert Guide to Javascript Frameworks
What to expect from Javascript in 2016

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

The Periodic Table of DevOps Tools

DevOps - the portmanteau of "Development" and Operations" has become a rage in the tech industry. It's almost like the secret sauce for today's digital businesses.

To know about the origins of DevOps, please read our earlier post on 'The History & State of DevOps'.

While DevOps is being increasing chosen as the method of choice, to bring in the ever wanted agility for business, it's really not a one size fits all. DevOps is a blend of multiple practices, refined over the years, through hardened processes and tools, many born of necessity, since the means of the past 3-5 decades are not adequate to meet the demands of the digital age.

So, in this next post on the topic, we present the awesome* periodic table of DevOps Tools that can - and are - emerging, and enabling the digital economy of today.


Monday, February 29, 2016

[Infographic] Big Data Landscape 2016

Big Data is here to stay, and there's a whole lot going on. This busy infographic depicts it well!!

Friday, February 5, 2016

[Infographic] The History & State of DevOps

DevOps, a portmanteau of "development" and "operations" is a method, culture or practice, that emphasizes collaboration and communication of both software developers and other IT professionals while automating software delivery.

With the shift towards an increasingly "digital-ized" world, powered by cloud computing and any/mobile devices, industries are faced with challenges to meet the ever growing expectations of an always-on, creative and choice-enabled customers. All this calls for new ways of realizing business agility, enabled by digital technologies. Traditional approaches to delivery and maintenance are no longer able to serve the rapid pace of business today, and that's where DevOps is seeing an emergence.

Before knowing what the state of DevOps is, it also is good to delve a bit into the History of DevOps.

History of DevOps, via

Saturday, January 2, 2016

The Emerging Digital BPM Economy

There's little argument anymore that the world today is being shaped - er, disrupted - by technologies of the S-M-A-C genre across domains. And, this trend is what's giving rise to new paradigms that businesses are scrambling to adopt. Some are working to center their strategies around the "as-a-service" economy, while others may prefer a more "digital enterprise", pinned on higher degrees and maturity of automation and smart/machine-driven intelligence.

No matter what, the change is upon us, and it's important to understand the themes, drivers and tenets that shape this new paradigm.